Color Theory Notes/Questions

  • What are the 3 primary colors? 
Red, Blue, and Yellow.
  • How are secondary colors created? Cite an example 
By mixing two different primary colors together in equal amounts. Red and Yellow makes Orange.
  • How are tertiary colors created? Cite an example 
By mixing a primary color with a neighboring secondary color. Yellow and Orange makes a Yellowish-Orange.
  • What is the difference between subtractive and additive color models? 
Additive colors are created by adding colors together, whereas Subtractive Colors are created by removing certain colors to make them different. 
  • How can color affect our perception? 
Color affects our perception in a variety of ways. Blue and other "cool" colors can calm us down and promote a sense of tranquility, similar to how refreshing it is to look up at the wide sky or over the horizon to the ocean. Red and other "warm" colors, on the other hand, can fire us up and push us to be more aggressive or action-oriented, like how when we see blood, we begin acting concerned and set on helping whoever's hurt. This burst of initiative is also found join the sport of boxing, where the fighters' gloves are traditionally red. 
  • How does one color affect another? 
Colors can affect each other by mixing together to change themselves into a new color, but most commonly and appropriately for this lesson, they can be utilized together with another color to reinforce the feeling or idea it represents, ore even contrast that feeling to show an idea. 
  • Find an example or show an example of a greyscale image. 

  • Find an example or show an example of a monochrome image.

  • Find an example or show an example of an image that uses complimentary color.


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